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Jos van Ommeren receives NWO grant for housing market policy research

25 July 2024
Professor of Urban Economics Jos van Ommeren, from VU School of Business and Economics, has been awarded funding from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) as part of the NWO Open Competition - SSH. With this funding, Van Ommeren will conduct extensive research into housing affordability and the effectiveness of various housing market policies in the Netherlands, Denmark, and England over the past 50 years.

Housing affordability is a crucial issue in Dutch politics. However, it is often unclear which policy measures truly contribute to affordability for households. In his research, Van Ommeren will examine various policy areas, including social housing, rent regulation, urban renewal, and homeless shelters. In addition to affordability, he will also consider aspects such as efficiency, effectiveness, and income inequality in his analysis.

Jos van Ommeren stated, “Housing market policy has significant consequences for everyone in society and often comes with considerable side effects. For example, the centers of Dutch cities are now beautiful, partly thanks to the urban renewal projects of the 1980s, but the original residents of those areas were often forced to leave. By comparing Dutch policies with those of Denmark and England, this research offers an international perspective that can provide valuable lessons for policymakers in the Netherlands and beyond.”

About the NWO Open Competition – SSH

With the NWO Open Competition - SSH, NWO Social Sciences and Humanities wants to offer researchers the opportunity to carry out research into a subject of their own choosing without any thematic constraints. The funding instrument aims to serve a broader group of researchers in different stages of their academic careers.