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Integrity code for personal relationships at work

15 January 2024
Having a relationship with a co-worker, or awarding that nice job to a family member, is that even allowed?

That question is not easy to answer. VU expects all its employees to behave professionally, with integrity and care. That includes avoiding any behaviour that could pose an integrity risk. Such an integrity risk can arise in personal relationships at work. A love relationship, as well as a family relationship or friendship, can lead to a conflict of interest in certain work situations. We also want to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, based on the commitment to providing a safe working environment for all our employees.

To clarify what can and cannot be done, the Integrity code on conflicts of interest in personal relationships at work has been drawn up. This code was recently adopted by the Executive Board, with the approval of the Works Council and positive advice from the University Student Council. The code defines when a personal relationship at work can be (or become) problematic. You can also read in the code in which situations you must report a personal relationship and what the next steps might be.

All employees are requested to read the code, even if you don't think it applies to you at this time. It is important that you know what is expected of you before a situation arises where a personal relationship coincides with a professional relationship. 

Do you have any questions? If so, contact your manager or your unit HR Advisor.