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Inauguration of Professor Eelco Ruijter: From Curiosity to Mastery

11 June 2024
Friday 7th June 2024, Eelco Ruijter, a dedicated synthetic organic chemist, gave his inauguration speech as a Professor, marking a significant milestone in his career.

Born and raised in the countryside of northern North-Holland, Professor Ruijter has spent the last two decades in Woerden. His journey into the world of chemistry began with a curiosity about molecular structures during his student days. "I saw a complex molecular structure on a paper, and my first thought was, 'I want to be able to make that,'" he recalls. This initial spark led him to pursue a career in organic synthesis, likening the process to a chess game where each piece's movement can alter the entire board.

Professor Ruijter's research focuses on developing new methods for synthesizing complex organic molecules, a pursuit he finds both intellectually challenging and rewarding. His research aims to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of chemical reactions, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future.