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Grants in Impact Explorer for Anthropologist Eva van Roekel

12 March 2024
During the research, you sometimes encounter results that you did not expect. Although this was not part of the research plan, you still want to do something with it. To further develop these unexpected findings, VU projects will now receive a small top-up of up to 30,000 euros per project from NWO. Anthropologist Eva van Roekel is one of the recipients.

CREATIVE PRESS: Reporting Against Censorship and Apathy in Venezuela - of anthropologist Eva van Roekel. How to act morally during crisis if you live in a society with chronic opacity and fake news? Disinformation is an increasing problem for societies. Censorship and apathy further aggravate adequate dissemination of pressing societal issues. For her Veni-research ‘Emergency Ethics’ about concrete ethical behaviour regarding survival practices during overlapping crises in Venezuela, an interdisciplinary Impact team that consist of the local media platform, media professionals, the human rights organisation Provea and the Dutch Embassy in Caracas, will develop CREATIVE PRESS—a new media strategy that advances creative journalism for societal dissemination about emerging crisis developments in Venezuela.

Researchers interested in applying for the Impact Explorer can submit a proposal in the ongoing call. The subsidy is intended for activities to validate the potential societal impact of discoveries from more curiosity-driven research, from the Talent Scheme, and from the Open Competitions of both NWO and ZonMw, and to explore a route to achieve this. In total, 1,000,000 euros are available for small subsidies between 20,000 and 30,000 euros. A concise application procedure is used.

Read the full article.