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Funding from Open Competitie L (SSH) for archeologist Philip Verhagen

25 July 2024
The Faculty of Humanities is proud of archaeologist Philip Verhagen who received an award from the NWO Open Competition L (SSH).

For his research project for his research project Simulating globalisation in the Roman Empire. A multiscalar and multidimensional computational analysis of socio-economic dynamics in the Lower Rhine region (19 BCE – 275 CE) archeologist  Philip Verhagen received an award from the NWO Open Competition L (SSH).

The Lower Rhine

The Roman Empire is an example of globalisation in Antiquity. For centuries, Rome dominated a large number of peoples over a huge area. What did this mean for the inhabitants of the different regions and how did they deal with it? 

In this project and his team investigate how globalisation affected economic development in one of these regions: the Lower Rhine. 'We do this by using powerful computer simulations and new data sets. This will be used to investigate to what extent economic interdependence determined the resilience of society, and what other factors were at play.'

SSH Open Competition L

The SSH Open Competition L funding instrument is open to research proposals with a research question and/or problem definition within the social sciences and humanities. Within this field the instrument has no further thematic limitations and in principle the applicant is free to choose the desired form of funding. The instrument is aimed at excellent disciplinary, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. This certainly also includes fundamental scientific research.

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