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Education Showcase: role-playing as an educational tool

18 June 2024
Whether it's tackling societal dilemmas or honing specific skills, role-playing offers a dynamic and interactive learning experience for students. It not only serves as an engaging teaching method but also provides an effective way to develop and assess skills such as communication and problem-solving. Below are two inspiring examples.

Showcase 1: The Tower of Power game
Caroline van Dullemen, teacher at the VU Faculty of Social Sciences, introduces students in her educational practice to the 'Tower of Power' game game to societal dilemmas and decision-making processes. By having them act as a city council and stakeholders, students really empathize with the different perspectives and experience the complexity of decision-making.

Showcase 2: the 'Devil's Advocate' role-play
Explore the power of the Mixed Classroom technique with the 'Devil's Advocate' role-playing game. This engaging method challenges students to take on and defend a controversial standpoint, even if they personally disagree with it. This not only enhances their ability to understand various perspectives but also to effectively argue and debate.

Click here for more information and inspiration.