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Connecting Junior Academics at Dutch Universities: JASEIN's inaugural summit

9 February 2024
On 25 and 26 January, the inaugural JASEIN (Junior Academics in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation in the Netherlands) event took place. JASEIN gathered 47 assistant professors from 10 Dutch universities, including 11 from VU’s M&O department. The event co-organized by Valentina Fani (Strategy) and Joeri van Hugten (Entrepreneurship) and it was sponsored by the Amsterdam Business School.

The primary goal of this initiative was to cultivate a vibrant academic network to foster information exchange, stimulate research collaboration, and offer social support to Assistant Professors working in the Netherlands. To achieve this, JASEIN took place outside of universities at the Kerckebosch castle, and did not follow the classic format of academic conferences.

The event featured both social and academic activities. Highlights included:

  • a panel with academics that are more experienced with grants, impact, and valorisation in Dutch universities, such as M&O’s Janina Klein;
  • discussion on data on Dutch companies for scientific research and education with the dean of SBE Arjen van Witteloostuijn;
  • roundtable sessions discussing future research ideas and addressing challenges such as co-authorship, research pipeline, teaching, and funding.