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Comenius Leadership Fellow grant (2024-2027) for Laura Rupp

3 June 2024
Laura Rupp has been granted a 500,000 euro Comenius Leadership Fellow grant for a three-year period. This grant will be used for a project entitled: Global English and International Dutch on the VU Campus.

Rupp, director of the Centre for Global English: “In the project we will develop a language diversity programme about Dutch and English for Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam). VU-students and personnel will become more aware of the different varieties of Dutch and English spoken at VU Amsterdam, for us to better understand one another and to learn from and appreciate the Dutch and English language diversity that exists.”

“At the heart of the programme is the VU sMOOC (Social Massive Open and Online Course) "English Pronunciation in a Global World". From this sMOOC, components will be deployed in on-campus education and extracurricular activities at VU Amsterdam, such as Master thesis projects and the VU Mother Language Day. In collaboration with VU-NT2, we will also launch an sMOOC about language variation in Dutch.”