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Beta talk: Heidi Mendoza

30 May 2024
In this column, staff of the Faculty of Science introduce themselves. This week it is transdisciplinary social scientist and creative writer Heidi Mendoza’s turn

What do you do at VU and how long do you work there?
I started my PhD at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) in September 2021. My research is part of the PerfectSTORM project where we explore cases where drought was followed by a flood, and how such consecutive events affect communities, institutions, and their decision-making.

For my PhD research, I engage with communities in the Peruvian Amazon who experience regular fluxes of the river. These fluxes mean that the river dries up for six months, and it starts flooding again for the next six months. These create both opportunities and challenges for the communities, especially when the patterns change (i.e., when it is prolonged, shortened, or when rivers flood extremely). I use creative methods such as storytelling and drawing sessions to elicit their lived experiences and (re)imaginations of the future. These methods allow us to explore the complexity of living with rivers, and how communities are further marginalized by the government’s minimal understanding of the complexities they live with.

Aside from this, I am also a member of the IVM PhD Council where we design projects and initiatives that address emerging concerns of the PhDs. In the past 2 years that I have been working in the council, we have designed sessions on mental health and well-being, and science communication. We also organize fun stuff such as PhD buddylympics, potluck lunch, and other social activities during summer.

What is the best thing about working at the Faculty of Science?
I like how research projects span different topics, and even regions in the world. I started as a researcher in the Philippines where I was immersed in our own bubble, and I had little time to explore case studies in different regions. At IVM, we have a diversity of research in different regions, and this inspires critical conversations on how we do the work that we do, and why it is necessary to be aware of our positionalities and biases.

What could be better at the faculty?
Making people feel that they are doing enough. This sentiment does not only apply to our faculty, but for most academic institutions. I think academic institutions have built a culture of making people feel that they are not good enough, and sometimes we mistake this feeling of inadequacy as our inspiration for doing the work that we do. But this creates a vicious cycle of striving and never arriving nor achieving enough. 

Do you have a work tip for colleagues?
To get a good mid-work break, I recommend going to the VU botanical gardens with some of your colleagues! Walking around the botanical garden helps me relax and clear my head when I get stuck with some tasks, especially with writing. 

When the weather is not as great, get a coffee break with your work friends! This helps break the monotony of the work day, and also provides opportunities to help your friends if they struggle with any work task.

What do you recommend colleagues do, see, read or listen to?
Ooh! I have so many books in mind, but I would start with these two books: The Great Derangement by Amitav Ghosh (2016) and Climate – A New Story by Charles Eisenstein (2018).

For those who like graphic novels, I would recommend reading The Arab of the Future by Riad Sattouf

To whom are you handing over the baton?
I am handing it over to Snow Magaya. We started our PhDs almost at the same time, and she has been one of my friends who have helped me enjoy working at VU.


Are you beta or alpha?
I think I’m neither. I’m a gamma!

Lift or stairs?
I mostly use the lift, because our office is on the 8th floor. But occasionally, I use the stairs when my friends and I want to get a good exercise during the day.

What is your favourite university snack?
I do not usually buy snacks from the university, but if I do, it would be pastries sold at the NU café.

What do you think is the most beautiful VU building?
The O|2 Labgebouw!