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Annual Exchange Event attended by 600 students

30 April 2024
On the 4th of April, the Outgoing Exchange team of VU International Office, hosted the annual Exchange Event on campus.

Increased interest in exchange

Approximately 600 students attended the event, which emphasises the growing interest among VU students for studying abroad. In fact, about 23% of VU Bachelor's students are participating in an exchange programme during their studies and interest continuously increases. While we sent about 922 students abroad in 2023, we also welcomed 841 students from our partner universities in return. 

A fruitful meet & greet

The event presented a great opportunity for the two groups to meet. After an interactive presentation on intercultural skills, the students took part in a ‘meet & greet’ in the foyer. There, our students who will be studying abroad in 2024-2025, met international exchange students from the partner universities that they will be studying at, as well as returned students who have been abroad last year. 

This gave them a chance to get to know other students from different cultures and backgrounds, to broaden their intercultural understanding, as well as giving them a taste of their future exchange semester abroad.