The jury was unanimous in its opinion that Week of Integrity should receive the medal, as the people and organization behind this initiative are committed to putting the focus on integrity back on the map, both in the boardroom and in the workplace, national and international. It is a multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and stimulate debate on integrity.
Week of Integrity is an initiative of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Netherlands, a pioneer in the fight against corruption, issuing its first version of the ICC Rules of Conduct to combat Extortion and Bribery in 1977. ICC is at the forefront of the development of ethics, anti-corruption and corporate responsibility advocating codes and guidelines, providing a lead voice for the business community in this rapidly changing field.
The name of Jacobus Oranje was chosen to attach to this medal, since he was Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam's rector magnificus during the WW II years and as such responsible for the resistance posture of the VU. He used his position to maintain education and organized many acts of resistance. A man who thought about "imposed rules" and deliberately deviated from them to preserve his own integrity and the integrity management of VU Amsterdam as an organization. You can find more information about Jacobus Orange in the jury regulation.
The medal was created by the Executive Master Compliance & Integrity Management (part of Executive Education School of Business and Economics VU Amsterdam). More information about the Executive Master and Jacobus Oranje medal
Read the full report of the jury
Pictured are Ilse Roeleveld and Edgar Karssing (jury Jacobus Oranje medal), Marijke Wolfs, Mirjam Bakker, and Obbe Siderius (Week of Integrity) and Raf Houben and Tom Loonen (VU Executive Master Compliance & Integrity Management).