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VU Open Science Challenge Award 2023 for 8 projects

8 September 2023
The VU Open Science Challenge was successfully launched this summer. The 8 award winners will receive a start-up fund of EUR 3,000 and project support in cooperation with the Open Seeds training programme of the organisation Open Life Science (OLS).

This prize aims to support enthusiastic individuals and teams willing to take up the challenge of open science and make their research at VU University Amsterdam (more) open. The winning teams of 2023:

1. A chemistry project working on an open-source analysis tool for the mechanisms of orbital interaction between fragments, such as atoms in a chemical bond or reactants in a chemical reaction.

2. A project by the VU Research Intelligence team to develop open browser-based tools for researchers to explore and visualise the metadata of their research, revealing its societal impact.

3. A social science project working on a way to make previously collected survey data on corporate philanthropy and corporate social responsibility publicly available and accessible to other researchers.

4. A project in psychology conducting a meta-study of existing research to see if there are gender differences in the so-called impostor phenomenon.

5. A project that aims to develop an online repository to facilitate open collaboration in the field of psychology.

6. An informatics project investigating biases in Automatic Face Analysis Systems (AFAS), specifically their insufficient recognition of non-binary identities.

7. A project led by VU data stewards to develop infrastructure for writing research data management manuals tailored to the needs of the institution on GitHub.

8. A project from Amsterdam UMC to develop a manual to guide researchers in all aspects of open science, specifically tailored to neuroscientists.

Guidance and training for all winners of the VU Open Science Challenge Award will begin at the end of September. Curious about the progress of these projects? During the monthly Data Conversations, we will keep an eye on the progress.

Read more about the collaboration between VU and the Open Seeds training programme in this blog post on the OLS website.

Do you have questions about Open Science at VU Amsterdam?

Feel free to contact us!


Open Science Coordinator Sander Bosch
  • Emily Barabas
  • Data Steward Faculty of Social Sciences | Research Privacy Champion
Community Manager Lena Karvovskaya