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Van de Bunt and Gordijn new chairholders Unesco

24 April 2023
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam launches two new Unesco chairs. Sylvia van de Bunt has been appointed the chair Cross-Cultural Sustainability and Jaap Gordijn has been appointed the chair Decentralized Information Society Engineering. “We are very happy teaming up with a societal engaged partner as Unesco. As institutions we share the same values and goals in creating impact and working towards a more sustainable and equal society,” says rector magnificus Jeroen Geurts.

Unesco chair Decentralized Information Society Engineering (DISE) by Gordijn, Faculty of Science, Software and Sustainability,  conceptualizes, develops, implements and evaluates research and teaching on decentralized ecosystems and supporting technologies that can enhance understanding of complex data systems and policy making processes for the Sustainable Development Goals at the national and international levels.

Unesco chair ‘Cross-Cultural Sustainability’ (CCS) by Van de Bunt, School of Business and Economics, connects cultural heritage, societal engagement through servant-leadership, community building and mentoring. A dialogue between academia and society will enhance talent diversity and valorization of interdisciplinary knowledge. Leadership with purpose on key societal issues such as social justice and peace building. 

Van de Bunt and Gordijn are appointed for the period 2023-2027. 

Unesco Chair
The Unesco Chairs programme is a Unesco science programme, set up in 1992. It aims to promote international cooperation among researchers through the collaboration of Unesco Chairs (Unesco Chairs) and networks of universities (Unitwin). The Chairs are part of a global knowledge network and promote research and education on topics relevant to Unesco.

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