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Update exploration of the cooperation of the faculties FRT, FSW and FGW

11 December 2023
Last summer, the Executive Board (CvB) announced the launch of an exploration of the cooperation of the faculties FRT, FSW and FGW. The exploration focuses on the possibilities of integrating the faculties.

Meanwhile, the Works Council has issued a positive advice on the exploration assignment and the external explorer to be engaged. This means that the Executive Board has taken the decision to commission the exploration. The CvB discussed the Works Council's advice and, where possible, incorporated their feedback into the assignment.

The exploration team consists of Aafke Hulk, emeritus professor of linguistics at the UvA and former member of the VU's Supervisory Board, and Erna Klein Ikkink, member of the Management Pool and former director of Student and Educational Affairs at VU Amsterdam.

Talks on cooperation between FRT, FGW and FSW are now starting. As the exploration phase will take several months, the report on the exploration is not expected before the end of April 2024.

If you have any questions, observations or suggestions: please contact your own faculty board or your supervisor.