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There is no such thing as a free lunch, but politicians do promise it

11 October 2023
With elections around the corner, political parties are making remarkable promises. To help voters separate meaningful proposals from empty phrases, there is the new podcast '...en gratis bier voor iedereen' by professor of economics and public finance Bas Jacobs.

Together with host Esther van Rijswijk and a wide variety of guests, Bas Jacobs analyses the economic plans of all political parties. This way, voters can make a more informed choice - without having to dig through all the plans of political parties.

Each Tuesday a new episode is released. All episodes are in Dutch and are available on the website of BNR Nieuwsradio and all the podcast apps. The podcast is powered by BNR Nieuwsradio, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, ESB and het Instituut voor Publieke Economie.