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René van Woudenberg has been appointed dean FGW VU Amsterdam

10 October 2023
The Executive Board is pleased to announce that prof dr R. (René) van Woudenberg has been appointed dean of the Faculty of Humanities (FGW) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) for an interim period of one year.

Van Woudenberg, Professor of Philosophy in Epistemology and Metaphysics, will succeed prof dr (Susan) LegĂȘne from 1 January 2024. Prof Van Woudenberg will represent the faculty in the exploration with the faculties of Religion and Theology (FRT) and Social Sciences (FSW) as early as November.

Van Woudenberg was previously dean at VU Amsterdam and knows the FGW faculty inside out. Jeroen Geurts, rector magnificus of VU Amsterdam: "Van Woudenberg's incredible commitment to the Humanities and his knowledge of the faculty and its history make him the ideal person to lead the faculty in this phase of exploration."

René van Woudenberg: "This faculty deserves to be in the spotlight; we have much to offer students, the university and society. I look forward to engaging in exploration with the faculty board and staff and exploring how we can further strengthen the Humanities."

The appointment process followed the appropriate procedure, with the involvement of the faculty participation council.