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Recap: lunch lecture The Zen Buddhist Philosophy of D. T. Suzuki

21 March 2023
On 3 March, students gathered at debate centre 3D for a lecture by Rossa Ò Muireartaigh on D.T. Suzuki's Zen Buddhist philosophy. Students from different backgrounds selected books on the subject and gave a presentation based on the places Suzuki visited in his life.

Rossa Ó Muireartaigh is an associate professor at the School of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, Japan. He has studied Suzuki's philosophy and wrote a book on the topic, which appeared in the Bloomsbury Introductions to World Philosophies series. 

Students Anna Xanthi, Micha Anna Lasinger and Marina Uzunova visualised Suzuki's travels in a web exhibition. Missed the event? Visit this beautiful web exhibition for a virtual tour through Suzuki’s life between ‘East’ and ‘West’ and the stack rooms of the VU library!

As part of the World Philosophies series, several lectures regarding these themes are organised by the University Library. Curious? Join us this Friday afternoon at 3D@VU for the second World Philosophies event! Pascal Mungwini will talk about emancipation and practice in African philosophy and the imperative history places on the African philosopher. Imani Heijmans, Wanjiku van den Akker and Cecilia Nogueroles will present their research on maps from the library’s Special Collections, including Bowles’ Map of Africa. Click here to sign up!

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