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Reaction unannounced sit-in main building VU Amsterdam

23 November 2023
On Thursday 23 November, a number of people held an unannounced sit-in in the restaurant of the main building of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam to draw attention to the situation in the Palestinian regions.

During this demonstration, they unfurled a banner and chanted slogans via a megaphone. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam distances itself from offensive statements made by the demonstrators. While there is room for activism in public spaces, VU Amsterdam indicates that within its walls it focuses on a dialogue aimed at sharing knowledge, increasing mutual understanding by listening to each other. Thereby, ensuring (social) safety and preventing further polarisation within the academic community is a fundamental precondition.

Later the same afternoon, Rector magnificus Jeroen Geurts shared his concerns about the situation during the annual celebration of the university's founding date, the Dies Natalis, and called on attendees to connect and foster mutual understanding. "Now, more than ever, we must hold each other and embrace our community in all its diversity. Peace begins with seeing each other as human beings."