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Raffaella Mulas receives VU Startpremie

2 November 2023
Mathematician Raffaella Mulas obtained the VU Startpremie 2023. This prize is awarded each year to a selection of talented new faculty members of the VU, and consists of 30.000 Euros that the recipient is free to spend on new projects.

Raffaella works on discrete mathematics and graph theory. She will use the Startpremie to set up an exchange program with mathematicians at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics in Budapest – the world’s capital of graph theory since Paul Erdős. This will enable Raffaella and her students to visit Budapest, and a substantial number of Hungarian colleagues to visit the VU in the upcoming years. She will also use the prize to organize an international conference on graphs and hypergraphs in Amsterdam.

In the photo: Raffaella in front of the Statue of Anonymous, at the City Park of Budapest, where Paul Erdős and his collaborators used to meet regularly.