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Opening new artwork Fungal Faculty at the campus

19 September 2023
Experience the fluidity of intelligence with the artwork ‘Fungal Faculty’. This art piece, a collaboration between artist Thijs Biersteker and the Computational Intelligence Group at VU Amsterdam, opens on 21 September in the NU building.

Today, the paradigms of intelligence are being redefined, moving from artificial neural networks to underground mycelium networks. These mycelium networks raise questions about humanity's standing amidst a broad spectrum of intelligence. They also invite us to consider what we can learn from other forms of intelligence. 

The art installation, a collaboration between ecological artist Thijs Biersteker and the Computational Intelligence Group led by professor Guszti Eiben, interweaves the ancient intelligence of fungal networks with modern Artificial Intelligence. Fungal Faculty challenges the notion of humanity’s “superior” intelligence. The artwork is a harmonious blend of recycled steel and 3D-printed recycled fungal elements. Embedded within this structure is a grid of lights, orchestrated by an AI, which uses a camera as its primary input.  

The opening of the artwork will take place on Thursday 21 September between 10am and 12pm, during the opening week of the VU Centre for Teaching & Learning (VU-CTL). The opening of the artwork also includes an immersiveA Broader Mind-Mixed Classroom in Practice’ workshop. You can register for the opening and workshop on the VU-CTL webpage

  The installation will be on display on the campus until May 2024, on the following locations: 

  • 21 sept - 21 Nov 2023    NU building, in the Atrium between Theatre 1 and 2 
  • 22 nov - 21 Jan 2024       Main building, in the niche on the Boelelaan side right from the Aula  
  • 22 jan - 21 Mar 2024       W&N building, ground floor near the cabinets diagonally opposite the IT helpdesk 
  • 21 mrt - 21 May 2024     O|2 left from the Science Café entrance