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Open Call: Join the advisory panel of Open Science NL

28 November 2023
Open Science NL is looking for people with knowledge of the open science field to discuss the transition to open science. Starting from February 2024, Open Science NL will set up four advisory panels consisting of independent experts.

The advisory panels will consist of independent experts around the themes:

  • Citizen science & societal engagement 
  • Open scholarly communication 
  • Open research software 
  • FAIR data 

The panels will advise Open Science NL in carrying out its mission: to accelerate the transition to open science in the Netherlands. In doing so, Open Science NL aims to put the needs of the community first. 

At the strategic level, the panels will discuss questions such as: what are effective ways to promote open science? What should be priorities, what dependencies are there? What open science projects are running at the institutions and how do they connect to the Open Science NL programme? This input from the panels will be used to develop funding instruments and future work programmes. 
Panel members
Each panel will consist of 5 to 10 experts from the field who will serve on the panel for 2-3 years. Do you know someone who has expertise on Open Science that should be heard? Or are you an expert in a specific field of Open Science? Please join the advisory panel! 
Panel membership is on a personal capacity; members do not represent the organisation they work for or a specific constituency. 
Read more and apply on 

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Open Science Coordinator Sander Bosch
  • Emily Barabas
  • Data Steward Faculty of Social Sciences | Research Privacy Champion
Community Manager Lena Karvovskaya