Together with colleagues Beyer measured the most precise value of the dissociation energy of molecular hydrogen - the energy it takes to break the chemical bond between two hydrogen atoms. This is a benchmark quantity to test our understanding (by comparing experiment and theory) of molecular physics, chemical bonds and quantum electrodynamics.
Currently he is building an experiment to make precise measurements in molecular hydrogen ions. Again to make very accurate comparisons between experiment and theory. The ions are trapped in an ion cage to increase the measurement time, interaction time of the ions with our lasers, and to control their interactions with the environment, for example the earth magnetic field, by keeping them more or less at standstill.
Ewald Wicke Price
In addition to joining Die Junge Akademie Beyer received the Ewald Wicke Price from the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry and the Ewald Wicke Foundation. The price is awarded to young scientists up to the age of 35 for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of applied physical chemistry. Beyer received the award in recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements in precision studies of the structure and dynamics of molecular hydrogen near dissociation and ionisation thresholds by high-resolution spectroscopy, electronic-structure and scattering theory.