The Supervisory Board is pleased that Marcel Nollen is willing to take on a second term as member of the Executive Board. The Supervisory Board greatly appreciates his professional knowledge, analytical ability, open view and proven competences in crisis management.
Ron Teerlink, Chair of the Supervisory Board, says about the reappointment: "Marcel Nollen is a thoughtful and committed personality who dedicates himself to VU with full conviction. His substantive expertise, pleasant manner and great commitment to students and staff are widely praised. We are delighted that he will continue to do so beyond 1 October 2023."
Part of the reappointment process was a broad 360 degree feedback round, involving deans, directors of the staff departments, operations directors of the faculties, representatives of the Works Council (OR) and the University Student Council (USR), the Supervisory Board and the members of the Executive Board. The results of this process support the conclusions of the Supervisory Board and show that the reappointment can count on support. The Joint Assembly (GV) has advised positively on the proposed reappointment decision.