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John Sheil develops lithography light source simulation capability with Veni

3 August 2023
ARCNL group leader and VU physicist John Sheil receives a Veni grant from NWO for his project “ARIES”. Sheil will develop a unique laser-plasma simulation capability to guide the design of tomorrow’s more powerful and more sustainable EUV sources for nanolithography.

In the first part of the project, Sheil will exploit recent developments in inertial confinement fusion research to build the most accurate and comprehensive description of tin plasma properties, working closely with collaborators at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National laboratory. This data will then serve as input to the second part of ARIES, where he will perform large-scale radiation-hydrodynamic modelling of novel EUV source plasma concepts driven by 2-micron wavelength lasers. Crucially, these simulations will help identify those conditions that generate unprecedented powers in EUV source operation.

β€œIn the third phase of ARIES,” Sheil says, β€œI will steer experiments at ARCNL to test and refine the conditions proposed by simulations. This joint simulation-experimental approach is unique, enabling rapid testing and development of novel EUV source concepts for future industrialization.”

The Veni grant is not the only good news Sheil has received; just recently his university the VU changed his position from tenure track to full tenure. Sheil is employed by ARCNL partner VU and works fulltime as group leader at ARCNL.


The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded John Sheil with Veni funding. This will allow him to further develop his own research for more sustainable EUV sources for nanolithography over the next three years. The NWO Talent Programme gives researchers the freedom to conduct their own research based on creativity and passion. They receive a maximum of 280,000 euros. The programme stimulates innovation and curiosity. Free research contributes to and prepares us for tomorrow's society. This is why NWO focuses on a diversity of scientists, domains and backgrounds. Together with the Vidi and Vici grants, Veni is part of the Talent Programme.