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Bachelor student Maro Ockhuijsen wins prize posterevent

19 July 2023
On june the 29th, the 16th edition of the FAR poster event took place in the O2 in Amsterdam.

The poster competition was organized with in total  participating candidates. Four of them presented their project in the auditorium of the O2. At this poster event, Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences students present their undergraduate final projects in front of a large audience. This is also how scientists present their work at conferences. So the poster event is a good learning experience for the students. The best poster has a chance to win the poster prize.

The candidate with the best poster was awarded the poster prize: a certificate and the opportunity to attend a congress day of CHAINS or FIGON, two major pharma-related congresses. This year’s lucky poster prize winner is Maro Ockhuijsen! Maro did his internship in the Chemical Biology and Biotechnology under supervision of Seino Jongkees and gave a great pitch titled: "Development of cyclic and linear peptides as Escherichia coli release factor 1 and 2 inhibitors. “The internship was both educational and fun! I had the chance to learn about a new technique like mRNA display, and was able to demonstrate what I learned through the poster event.”