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ASI Seed Money: Science on the fray?

20 February 2023
Another winning project of the latest ASI seed money edition is this project about working towards socially responsive climate science.

Science on the fray? Engaging climate scientists for citizen dialogues

As the climate crisis is becoming more urgent and more complex every day, including citizens and societal stakeholders in policy-making and in research is crucial to making climate science more socially responsive, while fostering its public legitimacy. But climate scientists may be uncertain and hesitant about engaging various societal actors in today’s mediatized and polarized societies.

The aim of this project is working towards socially responsive climate science by conducting three interrelated projects in which we map, interview and reflexively train researchers from a broad variety of climate science disciplines on how to engage societal actors in their research work.

Contact persons:

  • Willemine Willems, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science
    Lodewijk Smeehuijzen, Professor, Faculty of Law
  • Jaron Harambam, Athena Institute, Faculty of Science
  • Harm van Dijk, Stichting G1000

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