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Winning Proposals Connected World Calls 2022

1 August 2022
CONNECTED WORLD is one of four profile themes at the heart of Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. In the new university strategic plan it has been decided to promote these themes much stronger than before and to match this with extra funding for the coming years.

The Faculty of Humanities will coordinate this stimulus for the Connected World profile theme; the two interfaculty research institutes CLUE+ and the Network Institute support it. To launch this initiative, on June 30/July 1 the profile theme organized the Connecting Worlds conference. The conference was opened by VU rector magnificus Jeroen Geurts and Humanities dean Susan Legêne gave a keynote lecture. The meeting combined a workshop on global water and food problems to one on digital society and global citizenship and to a Connected World Doctoral consortium. It successfully brought together researchers from the VU with a wide range of international networks, especially related to the VU Center for International Collaboration (CIS) and the Aurora universities network.

Parallel to the conference, under the umbrella of Connected World a series of calls has been opened for research and teaching proposals concerning Academy Assistants, Fellowships, Top Talent Teams and Academic Living Labs. The following Humanities projects in collaboration with members of other faculties have been awarded in these calls:

Academy Assistant 

Applicants: Erika Kuijpers & Ronald Siebes
Faculty of Humanities & Faculty of Science
Project title: Horizons of Interest

Applicants: Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach, Thomas Spijkerboer & Dienke Hondius
Faculty of Humanities & Faculty of Law
Project title: Can subaltern legalities speak? Revisiting “international” migration law

Applicants: Laura Rup & Amrita Das
Faculty of Humanities
Project title: Connecting Learners in the Mixed Classroom of a MOOC: Language


Name fellow: Dr. Michelle de Gruchy
Affiliation: Archaeology Department, Durham University, Durham (UK)
Name applicant: Philip Verhagen
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Top Talent Teams

Applicants: Linde Egberts & Niels van Manen
Faculty of Humanities and the School of Business and Economics
Project title: Burning Lowlands: Reconsidering the Wildland-Urban Interface

Academic Living Labs

Applicants: Babs Boter
Faculty of Humanities
Project title: Amsterdam Diaries 2025

Applicants: Daantje Meuwissen & Diederik Oostdijk
Faculty of Humanities
Project title: The Provenance of Looted and Lost Art (Prolab)

Applicants: Jeroen Rodenberg, Linde Egberts & Pieter Wagenaar
Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Social Sciences
Project title: COnfronting the CHAllenge of CO-creation: Towards a collaborative governance of heritage

Applicants: Marek Jancovic, Sebastian Scholz & Jolanda Veldhuis
Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Social Sciences
Project title: Environmental Media & More-than-Human Infrastructures: Making Sense of Sensor-Environments

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