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Research on fall prevention in national fundraising campaign

18 February 2022
'Is living healthily more than being healthy?' 'Can our hunger for data also solve world hunger?' From February 21 to March 25, questions like these will pass by in the national media. With these questions, the universities in the Netherlands want to bring the importance of scientific research to the attention of a broad audience and make an appeal to contribute to this.

In this campaign, VU Amsterdam is represented by two projects through the new VUfonds. One of them is the research on fall prevention in the elderly by Professor of Mobility in Ageing Mirjam Pijnappels.

Innovative methods to predict fall risk
One in three elderly people over the age of 65 fall at least once a year, often with serious consequences. In order to reduce the occurrence of falls and injuries, Pijnappels and her team are researching the effects of ageing on balance, stamina and the quality of daily movements. With the results of the research, innovative methods are developed to predict and prevent falling.

In this video Mirjam Pijnappels talks about her research and its significance for active and healthy ageing:. 

Read more about this project and the national campaign (in Dutch)