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Lunch Seminars: Globalisation, Capitalism, Colonialism

7 November 2022
Come and join the monthly lunch seminars of the CLUE+ programme Globalisation, Capitalism, Colonialism. The seminars offer the chance to discuss current and future research projects, meet researchers and students from different fields, and establish new cooperation across disciplinary boundaries. The lectures will cover a wide range of topics and disciplines that fit within the broader framework of the programme. Lunch will be provided!

Upcoming lunch seminars:

Time: 12:00-13:15

  • Thursday 26 January 2022 – Camphor, Cellulose, Turpentine: The history of cinema, colonial extractivism, and global agricultural supply chains Dr. Marek Jancovic (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Location: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, HG-3C03.

If you want to attend one of the lectures, keep informed about the seminar series, or would like to present your own work, send an email to