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ASI seed money for the project Interrelating in the Anthropocene

28 June 2021
Every year ASI awards seed money to promising interdisciplinary projects. Interrelating in the Anthropocene is one of the ASI seed money winners 2021

Interrelating in the Anthropocene

Operating at the interface of the humanities: theology/religious studies, the social sciences, and biology, this project investigates the potential of cultural and religious imaginations, practices, and conceptualisations for reimagining human-nature relationships in the context of the Anthropocene. In a series of focused workshops (on human-plant relations; human-animal relations, and food practices), an interdisciplinary group of experts will come together to discuss how, why, or even if cultural and religious conceptualisations and practices matter for human-nature relationships in the Anthropocene.

Research team

  • Prof. Peter-Ben Smit, Professor of Contextual Biblical Interpretation, Faculty of Religion and Theology
  • Dr Kristine Steenbergh, Associate Professor of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities
  • Prof. Jessica Vance Roitman, Professor of Jewish Studies, Faculty of Religion and Theology
  • Dr Frans Kamsteeg, Associate Professor of Culture, Organisation and Management, Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Dr Harry Wels, Associate Professor of Culture, Organisation and Management, Faculty of Social Sciences