Part 1: Boosting innovation success? Watch your biases!
During this workshop, you will get an introduction into how biases influence your organization’s strategic decisions and undermine its future innovation success.
You will become aware of your own biases and learn how to break away from these through several practical insights, to secure effective strategy decisions and unleash your organization’s true innovation potential.
Part 2: Innovation Puzzle Global Book Launch: The rare breed of innovation talents
The right caliber of people - innovation talents - is probably the most critical factor for boosting innovation success, yet often entirely missed by companies and organizations.
Fire-side chat with two seasoned CEOs
- Johan van Neste, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Univé
- Hermen Hulst, CEO Studio Business Group, Sony Interactive Entertainment
Both leaders will share their lessons learned how to effectively lead innovation talents to boost innovation success:
- How to spot them?
- How to lead them?
- How to keep them?
For whom?
This event is best suited for:
- Innovators, managers, executives and board-members with an interest or responsibility in boosting innovation success
- HR managers with an interest in innovation talents in their organization
- Understand how biases influence strategic decision making in organizations and undermine innovation success
- Get effective tools and proven approaches for de-biasing yourself and your organization to improve the quality of strategic decisions and boost innovation success
- Understand the critical role of scarce innovation talents in your organization
- Get tips & tricks by two seasoned CEOs on how to spot, motivate and retain innovation talents
We welcome a panel of distinguished experts in the field of innovation to the discussion:
- Prof. dr. ir. Victor Gilsing, Professor of Strategic Innovation & Organizational Renewal (Read more)
- Johan van Neste, CEO of Univé (Read more)
- Hermen Hulst, CEO Worldwide Studios at Sony Interactive Entertainment (Read more)
- Dr. Marc Bahlmann, Assistant Professor of Innovation (Read more)
Participation in the workshop is €35. This includes a free copy of the book “The Innovation Puzzle” (retail price at €46,99).