The case mix planning problem deals with selecting the ideal mix and volume of patients in a hospital and is an important tool for strategic and tactical hospital planning. Case mix planning aims to match patients with the appropriate level of care and resources to improve the quality of care, reduce costs, and increase the overall efficiency of hospitals. The choice of the patient mix directly impacts the potential number of medical residents to be trained by a hospital because the patient mix is related to the content relevant to residents' training (specific number of procedures). In order to take a holistic view of the medical resident training in the hospital, it is necessary to consider case mix planning and analyze it from the perspective of medical resident planning. In this project, we will formulate the integrated problem as a mixed integer program and analyze different settings.
Sebastian Kraul: Hospital case mix and medical resident planning 12 June 2025 16:00 - 17:00
About Sebastian Kraul: Hospital case mix and medical resident planning
Starting date
- 12 June 2025
- 16:00 - 17:00
- VU Main Building
- De Boelelaan 1105
- 1081 HV Amsterdam
Organised by
- Operations Analytics
- English
Sebastian Kraul
Sebastian Kraul is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Operations Analytics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from the Technical University Dortmund and his Master’s degree from RWTH Aachen. He completed his Ph.D. (Dr. rer. pol.) at the University of Augsburg in 2021. Prior to joining VU Amsterdam, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Augsburg.
His primary research area is Business Analytics, with a specific focus on combining predictive and prescriptive analytics by integrating tools and methods from operations research and machine learning. A common thread in his studies is the utilization of real-world data to identify both challenges and opportunities. In recent years, he has concentrated on robust scheduling problems, particularly in the context of healthcare.

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