How Values Change Between Generations
Do our values remain the same as we age, or do they change? Ingmar Leijen's research reveals that values change more significantly in young people than in older individuals. For people over 30, values generally remain stable.
The research highlights clear differences between generations. Millennials place more importance on hedonism—enjoying life—than previous generations, such as Generation X and the Baby Boomers. For millennials, this value is nearly as important as caring for others or the world. However, safety is a value that has become increasingly important across all generations in recent years.
Leijen found that changes in personal values, such as tradition or conformity, influence opinions on social issues like marriage, euthanasia, and income inequality. Conversely, changing opinions on these topics can also impact fundamental values.
This research demonstrates that values play a crucial role in shaping our choices and preferences, from societal viewpoints to how we seek care. It underscores how strongly values are tied to generational identity and highlights the shifts that occur over time.
More information on the thesis