Dr. Stefan Geisen
Laboratory of Nematology, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Dr. Stefan Geisen is a soil ecologist who is interested about better understanding (soil) biodiversity. He focuses on protists and nematodes and links to plants and soil functions. Beyond work, he is interested in sports and his family.
The microbiome is pivotal for ecosystem and human health. Commonly, bacteria are often considered to represent the microbiome, sometimes supplemented with fungi such as in soil studies. However, a major microbiome component that actually shapes bacterial and fungal diversity should be more widely considered: protists and nematodes as main microbiome predators. Here, I will provide an overview of soil microbiome predators, including their diversity and ecological importance such as for soil health. I will particularly highlight the pivotal link between protists and other microbiome members that together steer ecosystem functions including one health. Together, I envision to stimulate integrative research on the ‘entire’ microbiome as I believe only more comprehensive studies can help us to fully understand One Health.