The fourth lecture in the ASI lecture series “Waste: inevitable evil, avoidable curse, or precious resource?” is given by Raymond Gradus. The lecture will explore the cost-effectiveness of plastic recycling.
In the Netherlands, plastic waste recycling is high on the policy agenda. Currently, most efforts focus on household separation by residents. However, the cost-effectiveness of plastic recycling compared to incineration remains low. Evidence from the northern Netherlands suggests that post-separation could be a viable alternative, as it allows for the recovery of a greater quantity of useful plastics and yields plastic streams with higher polymeric purity. Additionally, some circumstantial evidence indicates that post-separation may improve cost-effectiveness. To prevent large streams of mixed plastics that are difficult to recycle, it is essential to establish further agreements with the packaging industry to phase out such materials.
The Waste Lecture Series is an initiative of ASI together with Freek Colombijn (Faculty of Social Sciences, Social and Cultural Anthropology, VU Amsterdam). Amsterdam Sustainability Institute provides an inclusive umbrella for sustainability-related research at VU.
The event is open for all. Make sure to register!
This event is in-person only. Register using this link.