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The history of student protests at VU 25 June 2024 16:00 - 17:30

Students, including those at VU, have taken action more often in the past, particularly beginning in the 1970s.

Sometimes these protests focused on changes at the university itself, with pleas for more democratic governance, for example, and other times on larger political and social issues calling on the university administration to take action. 

VU historian Ab Flipse takes us through the history of protest at the VU. In addition, (former) members of our VU community participate in a conversation about their own personal protest here at VU.

  • 4 - 5.30 p.m.
  • Open door event, no need to sign up
  • Free admission

About The history of student protests at VU

Starting date

  • 25 June 2024


  • 16:00 - 17:30


  • Debate centre 3D


  • De Boelelaan 1085
  • 1081 HV Amsterdam

Organised by

  • Life is better at 3D


  • English / Dutch

Sprekers op het event

Sprekers op het event

  • Ab Flipse is a university historian at the VU. His research focuses on various aspects of the history of the VU since its founding in 1880.
  • Koen Lemaire, scientific associate at the Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences in the Biomechanics group and member of Scientist Rebellion Netherlands.
  • Cees Paardekoper, author, organisational consultant, VU alumnus and member of the student protest movement in the 1970s. Author of "Contested normalization: how VU Amsterdam changed in the long years of the 1970s," the book on activism and democratization at the VU.
  • Victor Rutgers, consultant and business developer, VU alumnus (political science in the 1970s) and actively involved in the student movement as president of the University Student Council.

Contact 3D

The debate centre of VU Amsterdam

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3D on campus
You'll find the entrance of 3D on campus square, in the W&N / Science building, across from the glass container. On the ground floor you will find our staircase that leads to the sliding door. Click for Google maps.
De Boelelaan 1085
1081 HV Amsterdam