Registration is required, through this link.
The sessions in the morning are in Dutch, and the afternoon program is in English.
9.30-12.00 Morning session about the history of economic thinking, in Dutch
12.00 – 13.00 uur Lunch break
For (former) employees of the School of Business and Economics a lunch will be provided, registration is required.
13.00 What kind of science should economics be?
The 75th anniversary of VU School of Business and Economics is not only a milestone, it’s also a good moment to look forward. How can economists and management scholars contribute to dealing with the societal challenges of our time? Dean Arjen van Witteloostuijn wonders what the fields of economics and business administration should look like in the future. What is going well, and what should be improved? And what does that imply for our school?
During this interactive part of the program, the audience plays a major role. Together with a panel of economists and management scholars the audience formulates an advice to the dean.
The panel consists of:
• Wendy Janssens, Professor in Development Economics at VU
• Bas Jacobs, Professor of Public Economics at VU
• Arjo Klamer, Visiting Professor of Humane Economy at VU
• Christine Moser, Associate Professor of Organization Theory at VU
14.15 Pauze
14.40 What is the role of the economist and management scholar?
Time to take stock. What should economists and business scholars do more of in the future, and what should we steer away from? Should scientists be activists? We’re hearing various perspectives from the audience and from:
• Julia Schaumburg , Professor of Econometric Methods and Applications at VU and climate activist for Scientist Rebellion
• Pieter Gautier, Professor in Macro Labor at VU
15.10 Closing speech
This part is still a surprise, but we promise that the audience will leave feeling renewed!
15.25 Closing