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PhD defence M. van Hall 4 September 2024 11:45 - 13:15

Procedural justice and criminal behavior

Lower risk of repeat criminal behavior among fairly treated inmates

Criminals encounter various actors in the criminal justice chain, including police officers, prosecutors, judges, prison staff, probation officers, and lawyers. Criminologist Matthias van Hall investigated the treatment of inmates. "The way inmates are treated influences their perception of justice and their compliance with the law."

Trust in the Justice System and Recidivism Fair and respectful treatment by authorities is crucial for trust in the justice system and the willingness to abide by the law. Van Hall shows that inmates who feel they are treated fairly by the different actors in the criminal justice chain are less likely to reoffend after their release.

Experience with Police Van Hall further reveals that inmates are particularly positive about the procedurally just treatment by their lawyers, while they are least satisfied with their treatment by the police. The experience with the police also affects how inmates later perceive the treatment by other actors. "This suggests that early negative experiences have a lasting impact on their overall perception of the justice system."

Rehabilitation of Inmates Van Hall calls for more attention to how different actors in the criminal justice chain perform their duties, with a view to promoting trust and reducing recidivism. "My research underscores the importance of procedural justice for the functioning of the justice system and the rehabilitation of inmates."


PhD defence by M. van Hall

PhD defence Faculty of Law


  • dr. J.E. Dirkzwager
  • prof.dr. P.H. van der Laan

The PhD defence can also be followed online.

About PhD defence M. van Hall

Starting date

  • 4 September 2024


  • 11:45 - 13:15


  • Auditorium, Main building
  • (1st floor)


  • De Boelelaan 1105
  • 1081 HV Amsterdam

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