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OSCAwards 2024: 10 Amsterdam researchers receive a prize 10 June 2024 15:00 - 19:00

Do you think a transparent research culture is important? Do you get excited about community engagement and science communication? Are you curious which projects are currently contributing to Open Science? Come to the Open Science Community Amsterdam Awards. It is a way to meet the community and learn what Open Science is all about.

Science belongs to everyone, but how do we ensure that everyone also has access to science? In Amsterdam, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, UvA and HvA work together within the Open Science Community Amsterdam (OSCA) to promote ‘open science’: science that is accessible and transparent. 

Open science started with scientists in the exact fields sharing data and software. Today, open science is about openness at all stages of research: societal dialogue about research questions, transparency about hypotheses, shared software and materials, open data, and communication about the conclusions we draw from that data. That is why the OSCA is awarding prizes in different categories and why the programme starts with presentations by non-academic initiatives using open science: the Waag, Archival Consciousness and Pint of Science.

Several scientists, researchers, students and teachers will pitch their projects and involvement in Open Science.

More information on the OSCAwards 2024.

About OSCAwards 2024: 10 Amsterdam researchers receive a prize

Starting date

  • 10 June 2024


  • 15:00 - 19:00


  • SPUI 25


  • Spui 25-27
  • 1012 WX Amsterdam

Organised by

  • Open Science Community Amsterdam


  • English