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PhD defence R.G. den Hertog 19 December 2023 11:45 - 13:15

Sharing the Body of Christ

In his thesis minister Rein den Hertog explores how Reformed churches in the Netherlands can meet the twofold challenge of mission and ecumenism.

“Theology of ministry seems to be in vogue these days”, says Den Hertog. “There is a growing awareness that questions about the legitimacy, content and structure of church ministry need to be thought through to enable churches to meet their missional challenges. Moreover, these challenges are certainly not just limited to some churches or denominations.”

“With my research I attempt to answer the question: What is needed for the development of an ecumenically informed theology of ordained ministry that serves the missionary calling of the church?”

This thesis offers historical-theological explorations and systematic-theological analyses, culminating in an articulation of presuppositions, principles and tasks for ordained ministry.

More information on the thesis


PhD defence by R.G. den Hertog

PhD Faculty of Religion and Theology


  • prof.dr. E.A.J.G. van der Borght
  • prof.dr. S. Paas

The PhD defence can also be followed online.

About PhD defence R.G. den Hertog

Starting date

  • 19 December 2023


  • 11:45 - 13:15


  • Auditorium, Hoofdgebouw


  • De Boelelaan 1105
  • 1081 HV Amsterdam

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