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PhD defence A.I. Schaap 3 October 2023 11:45 - 13:15

Moral Case Deliberation with prison staff

Working in prisons can be tough and challenging. Dutch prison staff participated in Moral Case Deliberation sessions: group dialogues in which professionals reflect on complex moral situations from their practice. Prison staff indicated that they face many moral dilemmas on a daily basis. This book focuses on the moral themes, evaluation and impact of Moral Case Deliberations. We analyze what ‘moral craftsmanship’ means, and whether Moral Case Deliberation has a positive impact on the moral craftsmanship of staff. We present the results of this study and show, for example, how the sessions stimulated the moral learning of prison staff and empowered some to ask questions or speak up. We hope this research will inspire many, and stimulate institutions to keep providing ethics support to prison staff, to help them deal with the moral complexity of their practice.

More information on the thesis


PhD defence by A.I. Schaap

PhD Faculty of Medicine


  • prof.dr. A.C. Molewijk
  • H.C.W. de Vet
  • dr. M. Stolper

The PhD defence can also be followed online.

About PhD defence A.I. Schaap

Starting date

  • 3 October 2023


  • 11:45 - 13:15


  • Auditorium, Hoofdgebouw


  • De Boelelaan 1105
  • 1081 HV Amsterdam

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