During the lecture series 'What is the Anthropocene? - Exploring transdisciplinary collaboration for sustainable change', speakers and participants will discuss how interdisciplinary research can contribute to challenges of the planetary poly crisis that are part of what scientists are debating is the Anthropocene. Each lecture consists of two expert presentations which will be followed by discussion and is open to anyone at VU and beyond.
On 2 October, we will explore the state and fate of biodiversity and landscapes:
Nature is in a bad condition and is currently 5-0 down. Biodiversity losses have been growing disproportionally over the past decades, a lot is currently being debated on national to continental scales regarding a reform of farming as well as urgent restoration of nature. For example, what is sustainable landscape management and how can food security be in harmony with flourishing nature?
Dr Niels Debonne will discuss the importance of land use for climate change, the biodiversity crisis and hunger, and how it functions both as a cause and as a solution to these challenges. Prof Louise Vet will shed light on the current developments in biodiversity conservation and recovery.
In addition, transdisciplinary workshops on the road to the COP 28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, are organised, you can find them here. During these workshops, stories for the days of COP28 will be developed by connecting science, human health, art and activism; the Netherlands and United Arab Emirates; the Global North and Global South.
All events and the Fellowship of the Anthropocene are coordinated by the Amsterdam Sustainability Institute, all events are free and open to anyone interested.