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Joint VU-UvA programme: one path to STQ

Senior Teaching Qualification (STQ) Programme

Here, you can read all of the practical information of relevance for the STQ Programme.

Duration of programme
The programme includes an individual intake interview, 6 training sessions of one day and 3 individual coaching sessions of 1 hour each with the trainer and an assessment interview. Between each plenary session candidates get together with a peer group (a subgroup consisting of 3 to 4 participants) to work on assignments. There will be four peer group sessions of 2 to 2.5 hours each. Candidates jointly determine the dates for these peer group meetings.

The STQ track covers a period of 12 months.

Dates and time of meetings Autumn 2023
There are 2 English tracks in Autumn 2023. Here you can find the timetable for the VU group: 2023 Autumn track. The timetable for the combined VU-UvA group you can find here: 2023 VU-UvA Autumn track.

Dates and time of meetings Spring 2024
Please, find the timetable for the Spring 2024 edition here: 2024 VU-UvA Spring track.

Study load
Approximately 160 hours, including contact time

Karen van Oyen, Allard Gerritsen, Tim Lampe, Marieke Parijs, Kerstin Haemmerling, René
Glastra van Loon, Tonny Mulder, Jasper Ter Schegget, Mariëtte Willemsen, Jaro Pichel, Mariska Min en Judith Bekebrede. In addition, guest speakers specialized in a particular area will be invited.

VU Centre for Teaching & Learning
De Boelelaan 1111, 1081 HV Amsterdam.

Costs (2024/2025)
If you are a VU employee, part of this programme cost will be covered through the quality funds. You will need to provide a contribution of 85 euros. You can check on this page if you are eligible for reimbursement. Cost for employees of other Dutch universities is 7250 euros.

The application of candidates for the VU Amsterdam STQ track takes place on the recommendation of the portfolio holder for teaching or the director of education of the relevant faculty. The approval of this portfolio holder or director is a prerequisite for participation in the STQ track. Selection is partly based on the information provided in the questionnaire. If there are more applications than available places, a limited enrolment lottery is held by faculty size. Following a positive decision by the STQ admissions committee, the candidate’s admission to the STQ track is finalized, provided that there are sufficient places.

Contact and further information

Content-related questions

If you have any questions about the content of this course, please contact Karen van Oyen,

Praktische vragen

If you have any questions about registration, planning and payment, please contact Carin Weitering, Team Higher Education,

Or call us at 020 598 4263.


Carin Weitering