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Building a future-proof curriculum together

View all practical information for the Big ideas in Curriculum Design programme here.

The intake interviews will take place in October 2024.

  • 24 and 25 October 2024 24-hour kick-off at an external location (incl. overnight stay)
  • 15 November 2024: design studio 1    
  • 13 December 2024: design studio 2   
  • 10 January 2025: design studio 3    
  • 7 February 2025: design studio 4    
  • 7 March 2025: design studio 5    
  • 4 April 2025: design atelier 6    
  • 16 May 2025: harvest session

The first session is a 24-hour session at an external location including overnight stay. Start time is 5pm.
All other sessions are from 1pm to 5pm.

Study load hours
60 hours

VU Amsterdam, Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw (except the 24-hour session).

Yolanda Koevoets and Kerstin Hämmerling.

Target group
This programme is offered to anyone involved in curriculum design at VU, such as education and programme directors and programme and subject coordinators. Please note that in order to participate in this programme, you need to have a UTQ (University Teaching Qualitication).
We recommend participating in the programme in pairs per programme (e.g. programme director + programme coordinator).

Depending on the participants, the programme will be offered in English or Dutch.

Costs (price 2024/2025)
If you are a VU employee, part of this programme cost will be covered through the Reward and Recognition programme. You will need to provide a contribution of 450 euros. You can check on this page if you are eligible for reimbursement.
External candidates pay the full price of €3.440,-.

You can apply by filling in the online application form. We have 12 spots in this programme.

Please note that we have two seats available for external participants. We do have a waiting list and will notify you if we have seats available for you.

More about this programme

Contact and more information

Do you have questions about this course?

Please contact Laura Arnesano via


  • Laura Arnesano
  • Student Affairs & Marketing