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History cluster staff

History cluster staff

Department Art & Culture, History, and Antiquity of the Faculty of Humanities.

History cluster staff

An overview of the staff of the sector History

dr. Chiel van den Akker

Assistant professor of historical theory, Philosophy of history

Chiel van den Akker

prof. dr. Mónika Baár

Research associate, European intellectual history, history of disability, welfare state

Monika Baar

Floris van Berckel Smit

PhD student, History of higher education, new public management

Floris van Berckel Smit

drs. Wim Berkelaar

Researcher, Historical Documentation Center, History of protestantism

Wim Berkelaar

Heleen Blommers, MA

PhD Candidate, Economic and Social History, United States, 20th century

Heleen Blommers

prof. dr. Ulbe Bosma

ISSH endowed chair of international and comparative social history, Slavery and forced labour, history of commodities, migration

Ulbe Bosma

prof. dr. Pepijn Brandon

Professor of global social and economic history, Slavery and colonialism, history of capitalism

Pepijn Brandon

prof. dr. Peter van Dam

Professor of the History of Sustainability as Foundation Chair, endowed by the Unger-van Brero Foundation

prof. dr. Peter van Dam

prof. dr. Petra van Dam

Professor of water and environmental history, History of Dutch water management, human-nature interactions

Petra van Dam

prof. dr. ir. Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis

Endowed chair of cultural history, Early modern history of knowledge, history of science

Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis

prof. dr. Maarten Doorman

Endowed chair in the cultural history of Germany, Art history, history of literature, romanticism, 20th century

Maarten Doorman

dr. Ab Flipse

Researcher, Cultural History, University history

Ab Flipse

Natalia Guzevataya

PhD student, Art and politics, contemporary Ukraine

Natalia Guzevataya

dr. Edwina Hagen

Assistant Professor of cultural history, Culture and politics, Napoleonic Netherlands

Edwina Hagen

prof. dr. George Harinck

Professor, History of Religion, History of neo-Calvinism

George Harinck

dr. Dienke Hondius

Assistant professor of political history, Holocaust, slavery, Netherlands

Tzu-Yi Hsu

PhD student, Economic and Social History, Economic history of the Dutch East Indies, Chinese in South East Asia

dr. Norah Karrouche

Assistant Professor of Global History and Anthropology, North Africa, museums, migration

Norah Karrouche

Gillis Kersting

PhD student, Romania, 20th century, political history

Gillis Kersting

dr. Erika Kuijpers

Assistant Professorn of cultural history, History of knowledge and technology, early modern Netherlands, history of emotions

Erika Kuijpers

prof. dr. Inger Leemans

Professor of cultural history, History of emotions, digital humanities, Dutch Enlightenment

Inger Leemans

prof. dr. Fred van Lieburg

Professor of history of religion, History of Protestantism

Fred van Lieburg

drs. Otto Linde

PhD student , Corruption, Netherlands, Indonesia

drs. Wim Manuhutu

Lecturer, political history, Indonesia, colonial heritage, museums

Wim Manuhutu

Sam Miske

PhD candidate, Economic and Social History, Dutch East India Company, colonial labour history

Sam Miske

Dániel Moerman, MA

PhD Candidate, Economic and Social History, Early modern transregional history, conflict and warfare, illness and medicine

Dániel Moerman

dr. Wesley Mwatwara

Assistant professor of social and economic history, Agriculture, armed conflict, West Africa, 19th-20th century

Wesley Mwatwara

prof. dr. Pál Nyiri

Professor, Global History and Anthropology, Modern and contemporary China, migration, nationalism

Pal Nyiri

prof. Manon Parry

Endowed chair of medical and nursing history, Medical and health humanities, bioart and design, disability studies

Manon Parry

Floris Plak

PhD student, History of disability, Het Dorp

Floris Plak

Eline Pollaert

PhD, Political History Research Group, Het Dorp, Arnhem, disability history, oral history, Dutch disability history, microhistory, self-governance, self-realization

Eline Pollaert

dr. Lucas Poy

Assistant Professor, Economic and Social History, Labour history, socialism, Latin America, migration

Lucas Poy

prof. dr. Susie Protschky

Professor of Global Political History, colonialism, decolonisation, photography, Indonesia

Susanne Protschky

Zawdie Sandvliet

PhD student, Afro-Netherlands history

Zawdie Sandvliet

dr. Younes Saramifar

Assistant Professor, Global History and Anthropology, Inhumanities, Material Religion, Pleasures, Contemporary Middle East, Islam, violence, sex, contemporary Middle East

Younes Saramifar

dr. Patricia Schor

Postdoctoral researcher, Race, Anti-Blackness, Anti-Semitism

patricia schor

Eva Seuntjens

PhD student, Haïti, slavery, trans-Atlantic history

Eva Seuntjens

dr. Jonathan Singerton

Assistant professor of global political history , Austria-Hungary, Habsburg Monarchy, Central Europe, colonialism

dr. Jonathan Singerton

dr. Shiyanthi Thavapalan

Assistant Professor, ancient history, Ancient Mesopotamia, history of technology, material culture

Shiyanthi Thavapalan

dr. Paul van Trigt

Research associate, History of disability, Het Dorp

Paul van Trigt

dr. Caro Verbeek

Assistant Professor of Sensory History

Caro Verbeek

Dr. Lorella Viola

Lecturer in Digital Humanities, digital history and historiography, computational linguistics

Uji Nugroho Winardi, MA

PhD Candidate, Political History, Netherlands East Indies, Indonesian nationalism, state-society relations

dr. Shana Zaia

Assistant Professor of Ancient History, Ancient Mediterranean intercultural contact; Mesopotamian Empires; religion; education

dr. Shana Zaia