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Writing Retreat for Ethiopia

6 July 2022
CIS-VU hosted a writing retreat for members of a consortium of Ethiopian universities participating in the Law, Democracy and Media (LA-DEM-MED) project in Ethiopia.

The intensive 2-day retreat was held from 5-6 July at VU Amsterdam. Nine participants from different disciplines from Bahir Dar University and Oromia State University attended. The retreat was innovative, fun, with low-key writing exercises designed to get each writer on the path to a publishable research article. The main objective of the retreat was that each participant had to develop a detailed outline for a research article that can be published in a journal of their choice. Meanwhile, the research articles will be published on the recently launched LA-DEM-MED Working Paper Series which assist scholars to disseminate the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about law, democracy and media issues.

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