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Employability toolkit for autistic students and their mentors

22 February 2022
The IMAGE project has developed an employability toolkit for autistic students and graduates, including materials for careers advisors, academic managers, and employers. This final product of 3 years of research has been developed from a strengths-based view on autism, using a participatory design approach.

Good Practice Guides for Professionals
Do you teach or advise autistic students on their careers options, or are you an employer wanting to recruit and retain autistic graduates? Then these guides are for you. Co-created with professionals, students and graduates, the customizable guides share inclusive support practice from across Europe, all based on a strengths-based view of autism.

Training Materials for Careers Advisors
Do you want to learn the best ways to advise autistic students on their career options and the process of applying and securing a job? We provide hands-on exercises and share tips that careers advisors can easily adopt. A good understanding of autism is at the heart of this training. 

Employability Toolkit for Students and Graduates
Learn about the steps and challenges involved in choosing a career, applying for a job, and settling into the workplace. The toolkit includes “How to…” articles and case studies from across Europe. There is an interactive profile builder that turns strengths, challenges and preferences into practical templates to print or email.

All resources are evidence-based and freely available in 5 languages.

Read here more about the IMAGE project.


Please contact Mitzi Waltz