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100 scientists look into the government expenses

30 May 2022
evaluating the financial management at ministries and executive agencies

100 young scientist were invited to the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) in The Hague, to plunge into a thick pile of reports on financial management at ministries and executive agencies. Assistant professor in mathematics Rianne de Heide was one of them.

Since 2017, the House of Representatives organises the V-100. The "V" stands for "Verantwoordingsdag" - accountability day - which is the day on which the Netherlands Court of Audit comes with an assessment of the income and expenses of the government in the past year. 100 citizens (this year: young scientists) were invited to the House of Representatives to shed light on the ministries' annual reports, to enter into discussions with MPs, and to formulate questions for the ministers.

One of the main points the scientist wanted to pass on to the politicians was to make sure that goals are formulated in a clear and measurable way. In that way organisations can also be held accountable for (not) attaining them.

See also a news article in NRC about this event, and an article at the website of the House of Representatives.