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Preparatory Doctoral Training / PhD Training

Over the years, we have witnessed an increasing need for PhD candidates and professionals aiming to pursue a PhD in the near future to develop research skills and competencies to successfully commence their PhD trajectory.

Our advisor on preparatory doctoral training has developed a module on academic competencies to address this need. This module is suitable for PhDs and professionals from different disciplines. Although disciplines vary in research content, their broad approach in terms of operational steps in the research process is similar, addressing questions such as what to research (decide) and why (justify) and how to do the research (design and plan). The module will concentrate on the various steps in research proposal development through a series of consecutive sessions:

  • Generation of innovative research ideas
  • Theory of knowledge, 
  • Review of the literature 
  • Formulation of research problems
  • Development of a conceptual framework
  • Conceptualization of a research design 
  • Research validity and reliability

Do you have any questions for us? We are happy to help


VU Hoofdgebouw (main building)
Filosofenhof (2G)
De Boelelaan 1105
1081HV Amsterdam
